DASHINGLY - definizione. Che cos'è DASHINGLY
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Cosa (chi) è DASHINGLY - definizione

·adv Conspicuously; showily.
  • em dash (—)}}, in various 12-point fonts, illustrate the typical relationship between lengths ("- n – m —"). In some fonts, the en dash is not much longer than the hyphen, and in [[Lucida Grande]], the en dash is actually shorter than the hyphen.
  • Okes]]-print of [[Othello]], p. [https://hrc.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p15878coll17/id/5783 19]. Note use of dashes.
–; —; Dash (punctuation); Figure dash; En dash; Em dash; Mdash; M dash; N dash; Emdash; Endash; Ndash; Swung dash; ―; Em dashes; ⁓; ﹘; Dashes; M-dash; EMdash; EM Dash; Em Dash; EM dash; M Dash; MDash; NDash; N Dash; EN Dash; En Dash; EN dash; ENdash; En-dash; Em-dash; En rule; Em rule; ‒; N-dash; En dashes; ---; Endashes; Emdashes; Dash (symbol); Dash (special character); Dashed; Em-dashes; En-dashes; Dash symbol; 〰; ֊; ᠆; ⸻; ⸺; ÔÇô; .E2.80.93; ⎯; ︱; ︲; Em and en dash; Horizontal bar (punctuation); Dash character; Figure Dash; Spaced en dash; Dash (typography); Mutton dash; €“; Long dash; Long Dash; Quote bar; Horbar; U+2013; — – Nut (punctuation); Mutton (punctuation); €”; Nut dash; Horizontal bar (dash); Horizontal bar (typography); Two consecutive hyphens; Three consecutive hyphens; Triple hyphen; U+2014
(dashes, dashing, dashed)
If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly.
Suddenly she dashed down to the cellar...
VERB: V adv/prep
Dash is also a noun.
...a 160-mile dash to hospital.
If you say that you have to dash, you mean that you are in a hurry and have to leave immediately. (INFORMAL)
Oh, Tim! I'm sorry but I have to dash...
= rush
VERB: no cont, V
A dash of something is a small quantity of it which you add when you are preparing food or mixing a drink.
Add a dash of balsamic vinegar.
N-COUNT: usu N of n
A dash of a quality is a small amount of it that is found in something and often makes it more interesting or distinctive.
...a story with a dash of mystery thrown in.
N-COUNT: usu N of n
If you dash something against a wall or other surface, you throw or push it violently, often so hard that it breaks. (LITERARY)
She seized the doll and dashed it against the stone wall with tremendous force.
VERB: V n against n, also V n prep
If an event or person dashes someone's hopes or expectations, it destroys them by making it impossible that the thing that is hoped for or expected will ever happen. (JOURNALISM LITERARY)
The announcement dashed hopes of an early end to the crisis...
They had their championship hopes dashed by a 3-1 defeat.
VERB: V n, have n V-ed
A dash is a straight, horizontal line used in writing, for example to separate two main clauses whose meanings are closely connected.
The dash of a car is its dashboard
If you make a dash for a place, you run there very quickly, for example to escape from someone or something.
I made a dash for the front door but he got there before me...
PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n
Rushing, roaring, precipitate, impetuous, headlong.
Spirited, showy, brilliant, gay.
Esempi dal corpus di testo per DASHINGLY
1. Tori Reeve, Exhibition Curator, for English Heritage said: "Paintings of Dudley show him to be a tall, dashingly handsome man with penetrating eyes.
2. Mankind, brainwashed and telepathically oppressed, will never again be free unless (cue credits) the righteous Tom Cruise can somehow clear these damaged souls of past transgressions and lead them dashingly to victory.
3. In interviews ahead of the Cologne visit, his right–hand man, the dashingly blond 48–year–old Georg Gnswein, led camera crews around the Vatican‘s farm, showing off its palatial hen coops, happy cows, insecticide–free tomatoes and organic milk factory.
4. He noted that Red Hat‘s revenue less than Oracle‘s income from interest, and added rather dashingly that his company represents "a value that is not for sale âЂ« the freedom to choose". Results season Quarterly earnings were a mixed bag for some of the biggest internet companies.
5. Kaoru Yosano, economy minister and an astute political observer, says: "I want to hear from all the candidates about their thinking first on diplomatic policy, including Asia, and second on fiscal discipline." For months, the frontrunner has been Shinzo Abe, at 51 considered dashingly young for a would–be leader.